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Recorded: 30 June 2020
The Urban Developer Disability Housing and NDIS vSummit is an online conference dedicated to the emerging specialist disability accommodation (SDA) sector.
A new housing market specifically for people with a disability is emerging across Australia.
Introduced by the Federal Government in 2016, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a $5 billion funding stream to build new accessible and affordable housing for 28,000 Australians with a disability.
It is estimated that $700 million will be spent annually on SDA payments as part of the NDIS, unlocking an enormous opportunity for the private sector to deliver new specialist dwellings.
So where are the opportunities and what are the challenges for the property industry?
Join us as we bring together a panel of advocates, experts, operators, developers, financiers and designers to guide you through the future of the specialist disability accommodation sector.
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