Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass

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Recorded: 18 November 2021

The continued growth of the disability housing sector presents both opportunities and challenges as operators and developers identify the types of housing needed.

Successful SDA projects require a strong understanding of the legal, design, valuation and operating aspects if it is to be compliant with federal and state legislation.

The Urban Developer proudly presents a virtual masterclass on the essentials for developing disability housing.


Course Outline

1. The valuation fundamentals of SDA

- valuation considerations and valuation metrics

- demand-supply of SDA property market

- identifying an appropriate development site

- good versus bad designs (SIL accommodation and participant mix considerations)

- expected market conditions

- key risks

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass image


2. The SDA application process

- overview of the SDA provider registration process

- process and timing for eligible participants journeys

- different approach methods:

  • engaging with participants before building
  • attracting participants after completion
  • pros and cons

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass image


3. The legal considerations for SDA

- Key issues to consider in structuring an SDA development, including:

  • vacancy risk
  • tax issues
  • ownership vehicle
  • lender requirements

- Key contracts for SDA developments, including:

  • head lease versus property management agreement
  • collaboration Agreement
  • SDA lease with the tenant
  • building contract

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass image


4. The design fundamentals of SDA

- SDA design categories:

  • robust
  • improved liveability
  • fully accessible
  • high physical support

- requirements of SDA design standard

  • design stage - provisional certification requirements
  • post-construction requirements

- case studies

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Masterclass image



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