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Recorded: 3 December 2020
The Urban Developer Commercial Real Estate vSummit is an online conference that brings together the latest thinking on how the pandemic is shaping the sector.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, workplaces of all types and sizes have been disrupted in a truly unprecedented way.
The rapid roll-out of work from home (WFH) and flexible working is forcing all stakeholders to ask fundamental questions about the sector’s future performance.
Join us as we bring together experts from across Australia’s commercial real estate industry to address the following:
- What is the current and future state of office markets nationally?
- How are tenants likely to respond to their future workspace requirements?
- How have developer and investor appetites shifted in response to changing demand?
- How has the design of workspaces been affected by shifts in behaviour?
- What do the flexible workplaces of the future look like?
- How has sustainability and building performance adapted to this shift?
Hear from leading developers, investors, tenants, designers, researchers, specialists and experts over the course of a day to explore how Australia’s commercial and office sector is expected to perform beyond 2020.
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