Recorded: Thu 2nd Apr 2020
The restrictions implemented by governments in response to COVID-19 have left the property industry - and society at large - in uncharted territory.
One of the areas presenting the greatest uncertainty is the dynamic and ever-changing relationship between landlords and tenants.
With the Prime Minister’s latest advice to ‘sit down and sort it out,’ there is clear instruction to negotiate, rather than expect government intervention (at this stage anyway!)
So what are your rights - as a landlord or a tenant? How do these rights differ between Commonwealth legislation and State-based laws? How do they differ between commercial real estate and residential property? How will a six-month moratorium on tenant evictions and the JobKeeper wage subsidy shift the balance of power?
In this expert webinar series, McCullough Robertson partner Kristan Conlon will unpack the current state of play of commecial property.
Each webinar will explore:
- An outline of the Commonwealth position;
- An outline of the position of each Australian jurisdiction and notable differences across each jurisdiction;
- The commercial position of landlords and examples across various asset classes (including range of requests);
- The commercial position of tenants across various asset classes;
- Examples of current responses of landlords across various asset classes;
- The current and anticipated response of banks;
- Other options available to ease pressure on landlords and tenants;
- Strategies to ensure any variations are legally binding without unnecessary expense and red tape.
The webinar will be hosted by Adam Di Marco, founder and CEO of The Urban Developer.
About the Presenter
Kristan Conlon - Partner, McCullough Robertson
Kristan Conlon is a Partner with McCullough Robertson with a specialisation in real estate, tourism, renewable energy, food and agribusiness.
She leads a multi-disciplinary team that brings together expertise from across the entire McCullough Robertson legal group. She is the relationship partner for many clients who appreciate her strong leadership and clear direction on all major property matters.
Kristan’s clients range from large listed institutions, investment banks, developers, affordable housing providers, resource companies, local and state governments, private property owners and national and regional landlords and tenants.
Series Partner
The contents of this presentation and included documents are not intended to be a complete statement of the law on any subject and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice in specific fact situations.
If you require more detailed information or advice concerning a specific fact situation, you are invited to contact a member of our legal team for that purpose.
The Urban Developer or McCullough Robertson cannot accept any liability or responsibility for loss occurring as a result of anyone acting or refraining from acting in reliance on any material contained in this presentation.