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Recorded: 11 March 2021
The Urban Developer, in association with McCullough Robertson proudly presents a virtual course dedicated to understanding commercial and legal structures for property development.
Course Outline:
1) Legal context and legislative framework
2) The fundamentals of a JV agreement
- Roles and responsibilities
- Risks and guarantees
- Performance outcomes
- Fees and remuneration
- Governance
- Other?
3) Structure #1 - Incorporated joint ventures
- Overview
- Key considerations
- Commercial elements
- Risks and opportunities
- Case study (1 - 2 examples)
4) Structure #2 - Development agreement (land owner)
- Overview
- Key considerations
- Commercial elements
- Risks and opportunities
- Case study (1 - 2 examples)
5) Structure #3 - Development and associated capital raising (fund-through)
- Overview
- Key considerations
- Commercial elements
- Risks and opportunities
- Case study (1 - 2 examples)
6) Tax considerations
- Income tax
- Government duties and land tax
- Foreign (FIRB) and overseas taxes
7) Audience Q&A
The Urban Developer cannot accept any liability or responsibility for loss occurring as a result of anyone acting or refraining from acting in reliance on any material contained in this presentation.