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Recorded: 23 October 2020
Join us for an in-depth and practical masterclass on the fundamental elements of a best practice finance application and process.
Led by Matthew Royal, Director of Development Finance Partners, this workshop will explore the underlying considerations for applying for finance.
Through practical case studies, interactive learning and real-world examples, this workshop will provide attendees with the theoretical and practical skills needed to apply and finance a new project.
How to make an application that achieves the following outcomes:
- Quickly qualifies the transaction and your request
- Achieves early positive engagement
- Matches the lenders lending guidelines
- Easy to read and well summarised information
- Focus on the core and most important credit risks only
- Provides credit enhancements where necessary
- Leverages the strengths of your credit risks to automatically mitigate credit threats
- Focuses on the Financiers key points of interest
- How to professionally tender finance
- Achieves the best possible financing terms
Who should attend?
- Emerging to advanced property investors and developers
- Development and project managers
- Consultants and service providers
- Finance and investment professionals
- Real estate agents and project marketers
- Construction contractors and subcontractors
- Government and planning authorities
The Urban Developer cannot accept any liability or responsibility for loss occurring as a result of anyone acting or refraining from acting in reliance on any material contained in this presentation.